Dollar Spot
The Issue
Causal Agent: Dollar spot (Clarireedia jacksonii)
Hosts: All turfgrasses in Canada
Epidemiology: Summer through fall during periods of higher humidity and air temperatures between 15 – 29°C (60-85°F).
Target: Foliage
Evidence: In closely mowed grasses, mycelium from previously infected tissue (thatch) will colonize the foliage resulting in small, circular, sunken spots of white or tan coloured blighted turf. These spots rarely exceed 5 cm (2 inches) and are the size of a silver dollar which the name is derived from. These spots can coalesce into larger patches under severe conditions.
Clues: Cobwebby mycelium covering foliage which can have a spider web like appearance. Lesions on foliage can often have an hour-glass appearance with tan to reddish brown margins which usually extend across the entire leaf blade.

- 14 to 28 day Dollar spot control intervals
- Unique 4th generation SDHI fungicide
- Preventative and curative activity
- A powerful single active ingredient for maximum tank mix and rotation flexibility
- Convenient low use rates
- - 15.9 ml/100 m2 for 14 day control
- - 22.2 – 28.5 ml/100 m2 for 21 to 28 days

- Broadest label of any SDHI registered for turf in Canada
- Controls key summer diseases like Anthracnose, Dollar spot & Brown patch
- Ideal for broad spectrum disease control and resistance management
- Highly systemic with acropetal and translaminar mobility within plant
- Convenient liquid formulation

- Ideal Iprodione alternative
- Unique chemistry, the only group 1 (MBC) fungicide in Canada
- Highly systemic acropetal penetrant provides preventative and curative activity
- Proven, broad spectrum active ingredient known for its ability to rejuvenate turf suffering from key and potentially devastating turfgrass diseases

- Broad spectrum strobilurin fungicide
- Engineered for quick plant uptake and even distribution within the plant
- Control of 12 turf diseases including Anthracnose, Take-all patch, Summer patch and Dollar spot
- Rapid mobility and rainfast in 15 minutes

- Non-conventional OMRI Fungicide
- Plant defence activator (ISR)
- Preventative treatment for Microdochium patch & Dollar spot
- Registered for golf and sports fields
- BioPriority™ Solution