Complete Spring Protection
The Issue
Spring is an important time on the golf course for Canadian Superintendents. You frantically work to open the course and start conditioning your turf for the stresses of the coming season. Concurrently, weather conditions that commonly occur at this time of year are ideal for several turf pathogens to develop. Foliar diseases such as Pink snow mould/Microdochium patch, Leaf spot or Anthracnose may be evident while root infecting pathogens like Take-all patch, Summer patch, Pythium root dysfunction and Pythium root rot develop below the surface. However, these root infecting pathogens may not be visible until the first stresses of the season and by then, control may be limited.
Take the Guesswork out of your Spring Application
Put your trust in Disarm, a broad spectrum group 11 fungicide and Segway, the best in class group 21 pythium specialist. This affordable combination of fungicides provides protection from all potential soilborne pathogens while also controlling foliar diseases so you’ll be ready to start the season on the right foot no matter what Mother Nature throws your way.
Spring Recipe
Apply a tank-mix of Disarm and Segway with 12-16 L/100 m2 or followed immediately with .125” irrigation when soil temperatures are between 10 – 18*C at a 5 cm depth.
Spring protection guide pdf (en)
spring protection guide pdf (FR)

- Broad spectrum strobilurin fungicide
- Engineered for quick plant uptake and even distribution within the plant
- Control of 12 turf diseases including Anthracnose, Take-all patch, Summer patch and Dollar spot
- Rapid mobility and rainfast in 15 minutes

- Total Pythium Protection - Pythium blight, Pythium Damping off, Pythium root dysfunction
- Group 21 QiI Fungicide
- Curative & Preventative Control
- Locally systemic & Translaminar activity