Grey snow Mould
The Issue
Causal Agent: Typhula Incarnata and Typhula Ishikariensis
Hosts: All turf grasses in Canada
Epidemiology: Both Grey and Speckled snow moulds require snow cover to cause disease. Grey Snow mould requires 60 days of continuous snow cover while Speckled snow mould requires at least 90.
Target: Foliage (in extreme conditions entire plants can be affected)
Evidence: Circular areas of light yellow, straw-coloured or grayish brown turf from 3cm – 1m become apparent at snowmelt. Leaves can be matted together with white to gray mycelium.
Clues: On infected leaves, reddish brown sclerotia (spherical in shape) are an indication of Grey Snow Mould whereas black sclerotia is an indication of Speckled snow mould.

- Control fall Microdochium patch as it can lead to outbreaks of Pink Snow Mould
- Mow turf until dormancy to avoid excessive growth
- Remove mulches of fallen tree leaves
- Control drifting snow with the use of snow fences
- Reduce thatch
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- Broadest label of any SDHI registered for turf in Canada
- Controls key summer diseases like Anthracnose, Dollar spot & Brown patch
- Ideal for broad spectrum disease control and resistance management
- Highly systemic with acropetal and translaminar mobility within plant
- Convenient liquid formulation

- Broad spectrum strobilurin fungicide
- Engineered for quick plant uptake and even distribution within the plant
- Control of 12 turf diseases including Anthracnose, Take-all patch, Summer patch and Dollar spot
- Rapid mobility and rainfast in 15 minutes